Notice: Use of undefined constant self - assumed 'self' in /var/www/ on line 16

Notice: Undefined index: site_currency in /var/www/ on line 19

Notice: Undefined index: meta_robots in /var/www/ on line 19

Notice: Undefined index: perm in /var/www/ on line 19

Notice: Undefined index: meta_robots in /var/www/ on line 19

Notice: Undefined index: perm in /var/www/ on line 19

Notice: Undefined index: event in /var/www/ on line 31

Notice: Undefined variable: minfo in /var/www/ on line 74

Notice: Undefined index: filter in /var/www/ on line 489

Notice: Undefined index: parent_id in /var/www/ on line 19

Notice: Undefined index: event_id in /var/www/ on line 19

Notice: Undefined index: nid in /var/www/ on line 19

Notice: Undefined index: location in /var/www/ on line 19

Notice: Undefined index: distance_location in /var/www/ on line 19

Notice: Undefined index: persons in /var/www/ on line 19

Notice: Undefined index: childs in /var/www/ on line 19

Notice: Undefined index: propsb in /var/www/ on line 19

Notice: Undefined index: prices in /var/www/ on line 19

Notice: Undefined index: price_from in /var/www/ on line 19

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Notice: Undefined index: geo in /var/www/ on line 19

Notice: Undefined index: persons in /var/www/ on line 19

Notice: Undefined variable: minfo in /var/www/ on line 226

Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in /var/www/ on line 310

Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in /var/www/ on line 310

Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in /var/www/ on line 310

Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in /var/www/ on line 310

Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in /var/www/ on line 310

Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in /var/www/ on line 310

Notice: Undefined index: offerprice_commision in /var/www/ on line 366

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Notice: Undefined index: order_status in /var/www/ on line 405

Notice: Undefined index: offerprice_commision in /var/www/ on line 366

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Notice: Undefined index: book_from in /var/www/ on line 388

Notice: Undefined index: order_id in /var/www/ on line 390

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Notice: Undefined index: order_status in /var/www/ on line 393

Notice: Undefined index: order_status in /var/www/ on line 405

Notice: Undefined index: order_status in /var/www/ on line 405

Notice: Undefined index: offerprice_commision in /var/www/ on line 366

Notice: Undefined index: book_ages in /var/www/ on line 382

Notice: Undefined index: book_from in /var/www/ on line 388

Notice: Undefined index: order_id in /var/www/ on line 390

Notice: Undefined index: order_status in /var/www/ on line 391

Notice: Undefined index: order_status in /var/www/ on line 393

Notice: Undefined index: order_status in /var/www/ on line 405

Notice: Undefined index: order_status in /var/www/ on line 405

Notice: Undefined index: offerprice_commision in /var/www/ on line 366

Notice: Undefined index: book_ages in /var/www/ on line 382

Notice: Undefined index: book_from in /var/www/ on line 388

Notice: Undefined index: order_id in /var/www/ on line 390

Notice: Undefined index: order_status in /var/www/ on line 391

Notice: Undefined index: order_status in /var/www/ on line 393

Notice: Undefined index: order_status in /var/www/ on line 405

Notice: Undefined index: order_status in /var/www/ on line 405

Notice: Undefined index: offerprice_commision in /var/www/ on line 366

Notice: Undefined index: book_ages in /var/www/ on line 382

Notice: Undefined index: book_from in /var/www/ on line 388

Notice: Undefined index: order_id in /var/www/ on line 390

Notice: Undefined index: order_status in /var/www/ on line 391

Notice: Undefined index: order_status in /var/www/ on line 393

Notice: Undefined index: order_status in /var/www/ on line 405

Notice: Undefined index: order_status in /var/www/ on line 405

Notice: Undefined index: offerprice_commision in /var/www/ on line 366

Notice: Undefined index: book_ages in /var/www/ on line 382

Notice: Undefined index: book_from in /var/www/ on line 388

Notice: Undefined index: order_id in /var/www/ on line 390

Notice: Undefined index: order_status in /var/www/ on line 391

Notice: Undefined index: order_status in /var/www/ on line 393

Notice: Undefined index: order_status in /var/www/ on line 405

Notice: Undefined index: order_status in /var/www/ on line 405

Notice: Undefined index: offerprice_commision in /var/www/ on line 366

Notice: Undefined index: book_ages in /var/www/ on line 382

Notice: Undefined index: book_from in /var/www/ on line 388

Notice: Undefined index: order_id in /var/www/ on line 390

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Notice: Undefined index: order_status in /var/www/ on line 393

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Notice: Undefined index: order_status in /var/www/ on line 405

Notice: Undefined index: offerprice_commision in /var/www/ on line 366

Notice: Undefined index: book_ages in /var/www/ on line 382

Notice: Undefined index: book_from in /var/www/ on line 388

Notice: Undefined index: order_id in /var/www/ on line 390

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Notice: Undefined index: order_status in /var/www/ on line 393

Notice: Undefined index: order_status in /var/www/ on line 405

Notice: Undefined index: order_status in /var/www/ on line 405

Notice: Undefined index: offerprice_commision in /var/www/ on line 366

Notice: Undefined index: book_ages in /var/www/ on line 382

Notice: Undefined index: book_from in /var/www/ on line 388

Notice: Undefined index: order_id in /var/www/ on line 390

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Notice: Undefined index: order_status in /var/www/ on line 393

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Notice: Undefined index: order_status in /var/www/ on line 405

Notice: Undefined index: offerprice_commision in /var/www/ on line 366

Notice: Undefined index: book_ages in /var/www/ on line 382

Notice: Undefined index: book_from in /var/www/ on line 388

Notice: Undefined index: order_id in /var/www/ on line 390

Notice: Undefined index: order_status in /var/www/ on line 391

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Notice: Undefined index: order_status in /var/www/ on line 405

Notice: Undefined index: order_status in /var/www/ on line 405

Notice: Undefined variable: where in /var/www/ on line 3015

Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /var/www/ on line 228

Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /var/www/ on line 235

Notice: Undefined offset: 2 in /var/www/ on line 253

Notice: Undefined variable: where in /var/www/ on line 3015

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Notice: Undefined offset: 2 in /var/www/ on line 253

Notice: Undefined variable: where in /var/www/ on line 3015

Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /var/www/ on line 228

Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /var/www/ on line 235

Notice: Undefined offset: 2 in /var/www/ on line 253

Notice: Undefined variable: where in /var/www/ on line 3015

Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /var/www/ on line 228

Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /var/www/ on line 235

Notice: Undefined offset: 2 in /var/www/ on line 253

Notice: Undefined variable: where in /var/www/ on line 3015

Notice: Undefined offset: 4 in /var/www/ on line 3197

Notice: Undefined variable: minfo in /var/www/ on line 3262

Notice: Undefined offset: 4 in /var/www/ on line 3197

Notice: Undefined variable: minfo in /var/www/ on line 3262

Notice: Array to string conversion in /var/www/ on line 3519

Notice: Array to string conversion in /var/www/ on line 3519

Notice: Array to string conversion in /var/www/ on line 3519

Notice: Array to string conversion in /var/www/ on line 3519

Notice: Undefined variable: where in /var/www/ on line 3015

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Notice: Undefined variable: where in /var/www/ on line 3015

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Notice: Undefined variable: where in /var/www/ on line 3015

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Notice: Undefined variable: qs in /var/www/ on line 108

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Notice: Undefined index: stars_count in /var/www/ on line 226

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Notice: Undefined index: HTTP_REFERER in /var/www/ on line 591

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Notice: Undefined index: m_login_attempt in /var/www/ on line 288

Notice: Undefined variable: Ordering in /var/www/ on line 24

Notice: Undefined index: cookiesEnabled in /var/www/ on line 24

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Notice: Undefined index: member in /var/www/ on line 217

Notice: Undefined index: home_url in /var/www/ on line 217

Notice: Undefined index: baseadresslang in /var/www/ on line 217

Notice: Undefined variable: Ordering in /var/www/ on line 24

Notice: Undefined index: cname in /var/www/ on line 217

Notice: Undefined index: cname in /var/www/ on line 217

Notice: Undefined index: relativeurl in /var/www/ on line 217

Notice: Undefined index: relativeurl in /var/www/ on line 217

Notice: Undefined index: relativeurl in /var/www/ on line 217

Notice: Undefined index: meta_descr in /var/www/ on line 217

Notice: Undefined index: meta_keys in /var/www/ on line 217

Notice: Undefined index: meta_title in /var/www/ on line 217
All Hotels | AllHotels


Berlin Art Hotel

0.0 10

Shirak Gyumri Haghtanaki Ave., 25 Building

  • laundry
  • parking
  • smoking
  • wifi
  • facilities

    Hotel "Berlin Art" is located in the picturesque Gyumri. All hotel rooms are full of all modern amenities and are completed with original works of Armenian art. Free Wi-Fi and parking are available on site. The hotel is distinguished by its gallery, where visitors can get acquainted with Armenian contemporary art through paintings and sculptures of local artists. If desired, guided tours and meetings with artists are organized, which gives an opportunity to get acquainted with the rich culture of Gyumri. Due to its position, the hotel is very close to the sights of the city, churches and museums.

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27,000 AMD

Berloga Log house

0.0 10

Tavoush Dilijan Gosh village

  • pool
  • open
  • parking
  • smoking
  • wifi

     Berloga mansion opens its welcoming doors to visitors and offers: outdoor heated jacuzzi, swimming pool, sauna, pavilion, comfortable rest, beautiful interior, warm family atmosphere. Come to the Berloga mansion if you want to find yourself in a real fairy tale. The prices of the mansion are 180,000 AMD on weekdays, and 200,000 AMD on weekends.

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200,000 AMD

Best Resort Aghveran

0.0 10

Kotayk Arzakan village Antarain St.

  • pool
  • open
  • inpool
  • billiard
  • tennis
  • tennis_kort
  • sauna
  • children_playroom
  • children_playground
  • laundry
  • ac
  • parking
  • smoking
  • transfer
  • wifi
  • facilities

    "Best Western Aghveran" hotel is located in Aghveran resting place, famous for its healing climate and beautiful scenery, on the bank of the river Dalar. The hotel consists of one main and seven interconnected buildings. Guests are offered 55 spacious rooms, provided with all amenities. On the territory of the hotel there is a bowling centre, a summer open cafe, a swimming pool provided for adults and children, a tennis court, conference halls equipped with the necessary equipment for simultaneous interpretation in 2 languages ​​and other necessary equipment for organizing events. In summer, guests can enjoy their rest in the recreation area, located on the river bank, which is provided with comfortable benches and all the necessary facilities for organizing feasts. Thanks to the rich nature and healing air, the hotel is a great place for a full rest and restoring health.

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22,000 AMD

Best Western Bohemian Resort

0.0 10

Gegharkunik Sevan 102 of Yerevan highway

  • pool
  • open
  • parking
  • wifi

The Bohemian Hotel is a high-quality hotel located on the most beautiful beach of Lake Sevan. This hotel is the best option for organizing your vacation in Sevan. The Bohemian Hotel offers a wonderful view of Lake Sevan. All rooms are furnished in a classic style, have a flat-screen TV, free Wi-Fi. -Fi and refrigerator. The hotel has an outdoor swimming pool, 2 restaurants, a terrace and a snack bar. Guests can start their day with a delicious breakfast served in the restaurant. For lunch or dinner, guests can choose different dishes of Armenian and international cuisines.

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26,000 AMD

Best Western Plus Congress

6.0 10

Yerevan Kentron adm. district Italiai St., 1 Building

  • pool
  • open
  • gym
  • tennis_kort
  • sauna
  • spa
  • children_playroom
  • children_playground
  • pets
  • ac
  • parking
  • smoking
  • transfer
  • wifi

     One of the oldest hotels in Yerevan, Best Western Plus Congress is an elegant and convenient hotel, offering our guests the highest European standards, a warm atmosphere and a memorable stay. Located in the heart of the city - just a few minutes’ walk to the Republic Square, museums, theaters and shops, it makes easy to experience the rhythm and the soul of the capital. Our professional concierge team is always present to organize your trip based on your personal preferences. Feel the complete privacy of our hotel rooms, and catch the breeze of the trees in the hotel outdoors area in a midsummer heat. Step outside to enjoy the best parks in Yerevan right on the doorsteps of the hotel. The Best Western Plus Congress hotel is an excellent choice for both business and leisure travelers”.

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50,000 AMD

Best Western Plus Paradise Dilijan

0.0 10

Tavoush Dilijan Kamo 156

  • pool
  • open
  • inpool
  • gym
  • billiard
  • tennis
  • sauna
  • children_playroom
  • children_playground
  • laundry
  • ac
  • parking
  • transfer
  • wifi

     The hotel is located in Dilijan, Tavush region; All the amenities are created in the hotel to enjoy the rest perfectly, all the services are on the highest level. The distance from Yerevan is 95 km, and the distance from Zvartnots International Airport is 108 km.

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40,000 AMD

Bridge Hostel

9.6 10

Yerevan Kentron adm. district Khanjyan St., 41

  • laundry
  • wifi

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6,000 AMD

Byurakan B&B (Byurakan)

0.0 10

Aragatsotn Byurakan 1st str., building 88

  • laundry
  • parking
  • wifi

     "Byurakan" guest house is located in Byurakan village, Aragatsotn province. The guest house is a two-story building with 5 rooms. It is provided with all modern conveniences. Here is a warm atmosphere and typical Armenian hospitality. Staying in this guest house, you will feel like you are at your own home, thanks to the personal approach and warm attitude of the staff. There is free Wi-Fi and parking in the guest house. Every morning various delicious dishes are served in the guest house. Staying in "Byurakan" guest house, guests can also get acquainted with the sights and cultural heritage of the Aragatsotn province.

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10,000 AMD

Capital Hotel

0.0 10

Yerevan Kentron administrative district 53 B Aygedzor Str.

  • laundry
  • parking
  • wifi

   In one of the famous and beautiful districts of Yerevan - Aygedzor the hotel "Capital" is located. The location of the hotel gives an opportunity to stay away from the noise of the city, being in the heart of the city. It offers a pleasant atmosphere and affordable prices. The hotel has 15 comfortable rooms: single, double, triple and family, which have: a bath, air conditioning, heating system, TV, refrigerator and minibar. Some rooms have a beautiful view of the Hrazdan Canyon and Tsitsernakabert Memorial Complex. The distance from the Opera and Ballet Theatre is only 2 km.  

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16,000 AMD

Casanova Inn-Boutique Hotel

0.0 10

Tavoush Dilijan Hovsepyan 63

  • pool
  • open
  • gym
  • tennis
  • sauna
  • children_playroom
  • children_playground
  • pets
  • laundry
  • ac
  • parking
  • transfer
  • wifi

     "Casanova Inn" hotel is located in green Dilijan, at 63 Hovsepyan Street.      The hotel offers its guests a sauna, an indoor pool, a snack bar, a restaurant, an outdoor cafe, a wine cellar and an evergreen garden. Free WiFi is available throughout the hotel. The environment is ideal for hiking, fishing, horseback riding, table tennis and badminton. Excursions are organized from time to time.

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25,000 AMD

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