Notice: Use of undefined constant self - assumed 'self' in /var/www/ on line 16

Notice: Undefined index: site_currency in /var/www/ on line 19

Notice: Undefined index: meta_robots in /var/www/ on line 19

Notice: Undefined index: perm in /var/www/ on line 19

Notice: Undefined index: meta_robots in /var/www/ on line 19

Notice: Undefined index: perm in /var/www/ on line 19

Notice: Undefined index: event in /var/www/ on line 31

Notice: Undefined variable: minfo in /var/www/ on line 74

Notice: Undefined index: filter in /var/www/ on line 489

Notice: Undefined index: parent_id in /var/www/ on line 19

Notice: Undefined index: event_id in /var/www/ on line 19

Notice: Undefined index: nid in /var/www/ on line 19

Notice: Undefined index: location in /var/www/ on line 19

Notice: Undefined index: distance_location in /var/www/ on line 19

Notice: Undefined index: persons in /var/www/ on line 19

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Notice: Undefined index: prices in /var/www/ on line 19

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Notice: Undefined index: geo in /var/www/ on line 19

Notice: Undefined index: persons in /var/www/ on line 19

Notice: Undefined variable: minfo in /var/www/ on line 226

Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in /var/www/ on line 310

Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in /var/www/ on line 310

Notice: Undefined index: offerprice_commision in /var/www/ on line 366

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Notice: Undefined index: order_status in /var/www/ on line 405

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Notice: Undefined index: order_id in /var/www/ on line 390

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Notice: Undefined index: order_status in /var/www/ on line 405

Notice: Undefined index: offerprice_commision in /var/www/ on line 366

Notice: Undefined index: book_ages in /var/www/ on line 382

Notice: Undefined index: book_from in /var/www/ on line 388

Notice: Undefined index: order_id in /var/www/ on line 390

Notice: Undefined index: order_status in /var/www/ on line 391

Notice: Undefined index: order_status in /var/www/ on line 393

Notice: Undefined index: order_status in /var/www/ on line 405

Notice: Undefined index: order_status in /var/www/ on line 405

Notice: Undefined index: offerprice_commision in /var/www/ on line 366

Notice: Undefined index: book_ages in /var/www/ on line 382

Notice: Undefined index: book_from in /var/www/ on line 388

Notice: Undefined index: order_id in /var/www/ on line 390

Notice: Undefined index: order_status in /var/www/ on line 391

Notice: Undefined index: order_status in /var/www/ on line 393

Notice: Undefined index: order_status in /var/www/ on line 405

Notice: Undefined index: order_status in /var/www/ on line 405

Notice: Undefined index: offerprice_commision in /var/www/ on line 366

Notice: Undefined index: book_ages in /var/www/ on line 382

Notice: Undefined index: book_from in /var/www/ on line 388

Notice: Undefined index: order_id in /var/www/ on line 390

Notice: Undefined index: order_status in /var/www/ on line 391

Notice: Undefined index: order_status in /var/www/ on line 393

Notice: Undefined index: order_status in /var/www/ on line 405

Notice: Undefined index: order_status in /var/www/ on line 405

Notice: Undefined index: offerprice_commision in /var/www/ on line 366

Notice: Undefined index: book_ages in /var/www/ on line 382

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Notice: Undefined index: order_status in /var/www/ on line 405

Notice: Undefined index: offerprice_commision in /var/www/ on line 366

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Notice: Undefined index: order_status in /var/www/ on line 405

Notice: Undefined index: offerprice_commision in /var/www/ on line 366

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Notice: Undefined index: order_status in /var/www/ on line 405

Notice: Undefined index: offerprice_commision in /var/www/ on line 366

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Notice: Undefined index: order_id in /var/www/ on line 390

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Notice: Undefined index: order_status in /var/www/ on line 405

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Notice: Undefined index: book_ages in /var/www/ on line 382

Notice: Undefined index: book_from in /var/www/ on line 388

Notice: Undefined index: order_id in /var/www/ on line 390

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Notice: Undefined index: order_status in /var/www/ on line 405

Notice: Undefined variable: where in /var/www/ on line 3015

Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /var/www/ on line 228

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Notice: Undefined offset: 2 in /var/www/ on line 253

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Notice: Undefined variable: where in /var/www/ on line 3015

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Notice: Undefined variable: where in /var/www/ on line 3015

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Notice: Undefined variable: qs in /var/www/ on line 108

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Notice: Undefined index: relativeurl in /var/www/ on line 217

Notice: Undefined index: meta_descr in /var/www/ on line 217

Notice: Undefined index: meta_keys in /var/www/ on line 217

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All Hotels | AllHotels


Haghartsin Hotel

0.0 10

Tavoush Dilijan 121 Kamo Str.

  • inpool
  • gym
  • billiard
  • tennis
  • sauna
  • children_playroom
  • children_playground
  • laundry
  • parking
  • transfer
  • wifi
  • facilities

   Hotel and restaurant complex "Haghartsin" is located in the paradise place of rest Dilijan. The hotel offers its guests to spend a full rest in the beautiful nature. There are 31 comfortable and beautifully furnished rooms for two, three, four persons, and ten cottages provided for four and six people. Guests can enjoy their free time, taking advantage of the places for their pastime: tennis, swimming pool, gym, chess hall and backgammon hall, billiard hall, children's playroom and playground. Business meetings can be organized in the meeting room. The hotel offers a wide selection of Armenian, Georgian and European cuisine. Free Wi-Fi and parking are provided on site. Also, there are open pavilions where you can spend an evening enjoying the clean air and nature of Dilijan.  

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30,000 AMD

Harmony Guesthouse

0.0 10

Lori Shnogh Shnogh village, Lori region

  • ac
  • parking
  • smoking
  • transfer
  • wifi

     It is offered for both family and people with a busy work schedule, in the beautiful nature of Lori, in the village of Shnogh, in the adjacent forested areas. Individual approach to each client. The guest house is located 20 km. Distance from Bagratashen border checkpoint. In Shnogh village of Lori region. It is very convenient for people traveling to Georgia, as well as for tourists from the Lori region. The distance of the churches from the hotel to Dsegh is 35 km. , Kobayr 28 km. , Odzun 25 km. , Sanahin 20 km. , Haghpat 17 km. , Akhtala 5 km. Visits to the mentioned churches are also organized by our cars. Overnight tours in forest areas in wooden huts. Interesting surprises are expected. For an additional fee, dinners are organized in the nature on the river bank. There are opportunities to participate in the preparation of rural food in person, to collect natural goods during a walk in the forest, to preserve them on the spot, to distill vodka, as well as to make bread and sweets. It is possible to organize fishing and horseback riding. The guest house is equipped with air conditioners, refrigerators and smart TVs. There is hot and cold water in each room. When using the packages, the person can not have any other financial expenses. Alcoholic beverages, sweets and a variety of fruits are included.

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12,000 AMD

Harmony guesthouse (Tsaghkadzor)

0.0 10

Kotayk Tsaghkadzor Saralanj 1 str. House 9:

  • tennis
  • pets
  • laundry
  • parking
  • smoking
  • wifi

     The guest house is located in Tsakhkadzor. Newly opened guest house for all those who prefer to spend their vacation in the beautiful nature of Tsakhkadzor. The guest house is 56 km away from Yerevan

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44,000 AMD

Harsnaqar Hotel complex and aquapark

0.0 10

Gegharkunik Sevan Tsamakaberd district

  • pool
  • open
  • inpool
  • gym
  • sauna
  • children_playground
  • wifi

     Harsnakar hotel complex has been offering its services to you for more than 15 years. Harsnakar hotel complex is considered one of the most attractive sights that the alpine Sevan can offer. The complex occupies an area of ​​17 hectares and is located on the shore of the lake. Harsnakar meets the modern standards and strictest requirements of the tourism industry.

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51,000 AMD

Hasmik Guest House (Yeghegnadzor)

0.0 10

Vayots Dzor Yeghegnadzor Spandaryan str., apt. 28

  • tennis
  • laundry
  • parking
  • wifi

    ''Hasmik'' guest house is located in Yeghegnadzor, Vayots Dzor region. The guest house offers comfortable rooms with private bathrooms, there are also 3 rooms with a shared bathroom. At their disposal guests have a kitchen, garden, gazebos, where they can make barbecue or spend a pleasant evening. Free Wi-Fi and parking are available on site. We can talk about hospitality and warmth of the guest house endlessly. Every day delicious breakfast, dinner and supper are served in the guest house. The hostess offers Armenian homemade dishes, which are not only delicious, but also cooked with great love. If desired master classes on cooking barbeque and national dishes can be organized. The region has many cultural monuments and attractions.  

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7,000 AMD

Hatsekats B&B (Oshakan)

0.0 10

Aragatsotn Oshakan Mashtotsi str., building 168

  • pool
  • open
  • gym
  • tennis
  • tennis_kort
  • laundry
  • parking
  • wifi

     The guest house "Hatsekats" is located in Oshakan village, just 4 km away from town Ashtarak. The building is furnished with antique furniture, which gives a unique look and impression. The guest house has 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. From the windows of the rooms opens a beautiful view of the mountains. Free Wi-Fi is available throughout the whole territory. There is an outdoor swimming pool in the yard, and for those who love delicious food, there is a tondir and manghal for making barbecue. The location of the guest house is an attractive point as the expeditions to Aragats start from here. So this is a great place to relax and overcome the highest peak of Aragats.

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16,000 AMD

Hayi Tun (Goris)

0.0 10

Syunik Marz Goris Nor Kyanq 25/1

  • tennis
  • laundry
  • parking
  • wifi

    "Hayi Tun" guest house in Goris opens its hospitable doors to everyone. The guest house offers 5 comfortable rooms provided with all the necessary conditions for a full rest. Guests are also offered mangal and tondir for barbecue with all conveniences. In the guest house there is free Wi-Fi, a playground with a tennis court and parking. Due to the friendly staff, there is a warm and pleasant atmosphere in the guest house. If desired, tours to Tatev ropeway, Tatev Monastery, Kndzoresk and other sighths are organized at affordable prices.

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12,000 AMD

Highland Hostel (Yerevan)

0.0 10

Yerevan Kentron adm. district 18 Mesrop Mashtots Avenue Apt 46

  • laundry
  • ac
  • wifi

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4,500 AMD


0.0 10

Yerevan Kentron administrative district Yekmalyan St., 1 Building

  • wifi

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7,000 AMD

Holiday Inn Express hotel

0.0 10

Yerevan Yerevan Buzand str., 97/2 building

  • laundry
  • ac
  • transfer
  • wifi
  • facilities

     A new modern Holiday Inn Express Yerevan is now opened in the city center. In the heart of Yerevan, overlooking the Mashtots Park and few steps from the Mashtots Avenue, the Holiday Inn Express Yerevan is the ideal place to rest and recharge in the city center. Only 15 minutes from Zvartnots International Airport by car and 3 minutes’ walk from the Republic Square, Holiday Inn Express Yerevan is near to famous attractions like the Opera, the National Gallery and the Vernissage flea market. At this hotel, you can enjoy Free WIFI and onsite parking, comfortable rooms with in room safes, tea pot, iron and ironing board and energizing showers. You can work, eat and relax at the Next Generation Lobby where The Express Start Breakfast buffet is served and included in the room rate, it features hot and cold items. After a full day of meetings or sightseeing, you can relax over a drink with friends and colleagues in the lobby bar. Ideally close to major business centers, embassies, ministries and the central bank, the Holiday Inn Express Yerevan is the perfect place for your business trip. The well equipped meeting room can be used for small to mid-sized events.

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28,800 AMD

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