Notice: Use of undefined constant self - assumed 'self' in /var/www/ on line 16

Notice: Undefined index: site_currency in /var/www/ on line 19

Notice: Undefined index: meta_robots in /var/www/ on line 19

Notice: Undefined index: perm in /var/www/ on line 19

Notice: Undefined index: meta_robots in /var/www/ on line 19

Notice: Undefined index: perm in /var/www/ on line 19

Notice: Undefined index: event in /var/www/ on line 31

Notice: Undefined variable: minfo in /var/www/ on line 74

Notice: Undefined index: filter in /var/www/ on line 489

Notice: Undefined index: parent_id in /var/www/ on line 19

Notice: Undefined index: event_id in /var/www/ on line 19

Notice: Undefined index: nid in /var/www/ on line 19

Notice: Undefined index: location in /var/www/ on line 19

Notice: Undefined index: distance_location in /var/www/ on line 19

Notice: Undefined index: persons in /var/www/ on line 19

Notice: Undefined index: childs in /var/www/ on line 19

Notice: Undefined index: propsb in /var/www/ on line 19

Notice: Undefined index: prices in /var/www/ on line 19

Notice: Undefined index: price_from in /var/www/ on line 19

Notice: Undefined index: price_to in /var/www/ on line 19

Notice: Undefined index: geo in /var/www/ on line 19

Notice: Undefined index: persons in /var/www/ on line 19

Notice: Undefined variable: minfo in /var/www/ on line 226

Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in /var/www/ on line 310

Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in /var/www/ on line 310

Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in /var/www/ on line 310

Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in /var/www/ on line 310

Notice: Undefined index: offerprice_commision in /var/www/ on line 366

Notice: Undefined index: book_ages in /var/www/ on line 382

Notice: Undefined index: book_from in /var/www/ on line 388

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Notice: Undefined index: order_status in /var/www/ on line 405

Notice: Undefined index: offerprice_commision in /var/www/ on line 366

Notice: Undefined index: book_ages in /var/www/ on line 382

Notice: Undefined index: book_from in /var/www/ on line 388

Notice: Undefined index: order_id in /var/www/ on line 390

Notice: Undefined index: order_status in /var/www/ on line 391

Notice: Undefined index: order_status in /var/www/ on line 393

Notice: Undefined index: order_status in /var/www/ on line 405

Notice: Undefined index: order_status in /var/www/ on line 405

Notice: Undefined index: offerprice_commision in /var/www/ on line 366

Notice: Undefined index: book_ages in /var/www/ on line 382

Notice: Undefined index: book_from in /var/www/ on line 388

Notice: Undefined index: order_id in /var/www/ on line 390

Notice: Undefined index: order_status in /var/www/ on line 391

Notice: Undefined index: order_status in /var/www/ on line 393

Notice: Undefined index: order_status in /var/www/ on line 405

Notice: Undefined index: order_status in /var/www/ on line 405

Notice: Undefined index: offerprice_commision in /var/www/ on line 366

Notice: Undefined index: book_ages in /var/www/ on line 382

Notice: Undefined index: book_from in /var/www/ on line 388

Notice: Undefined index: order_id in /var/www/ on line 390

Notice: Undefined index: order_status in /var/www/ on line 391

Notice: Undefined index: order_status in /var/www/ on line 393

Notice: Undefined index: order_status in /var/www/ on line 405

Notice: Undefined index: order_status in /var/www/ on line 405

Notice: Undefined index: offerprice_commision in /var/www/ on line 366

Notice: Undefined index: book_ages in /var/www/ on line 382

Notice: Undefined index: book_from in /var/www/ on line 388

Notice: Undefined index: order_id in /var/www/ on line 390

Notice: Undefined index: order_status in /var/www/ on line 391

Notice: Undefined index: order_status in /var/www/ on line 393

Notice: Undefined index: order_status in /var/www/ on line 405

Notice: Undefined index: order_status in /var/www/ on line 405

Notice: Undefined index: offerprice_commision in /var/www/ on line 366

Notice: Undefined index: book_ages in /var/www/ on line 382

Notice: Undefined index: book_from in /var/www/ on line 388

Notice: Undefined index: order_id in /var/www/ on line 390

Notice: Undefined index: order_status in /var/www/ on line 391

Notice: Undefined index: order_status in /var/www/ on line 393

Notice: Undefined index: order_status in /var/www/ on line 405

Notice: Undefined index: order_status in /var/www/ on line 405

Notice: Undefined index: offerprice_commision in /var/www/ on line 366

Notice: Undefined index: book_ages in /var/www/ on line 382

Notice: Undefined index: book_from in /var/www/ on line 388

Notice: Undefined index: order_id in /var/www/ on line 390

Notice: Undefined index: order_status in /var/www/ on line 391

Notice: Undefined index: order_status in /var/www/ on line 393

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Notice: Undefined index: order_status in /var/www/ on line 405

Notice: Undefined index: offerprice_commision in /var/www/ on line 366

Notice: Undefined index: book_ages in /var/www/ on line 382

Notice: Undefined index: book_from in /var/www/ on line 388

Notice: Undefined index: order_id in /var/www/ on line 390

Notice: Undefined index: order_status in /var/www/ on line 391

Notice: Undefined index: order_status in /var/www/ on line 393

Notice: Undefined index: order_status in /var/www/ on line 405

Notice: Undefined index: order_status in /var/www/ on line 405

Notice: Undefined index: offerprice_commision in /var/www/ on line 366

Notice: Undefined index: book_ages in /var/www/ on line 382

Notice: Undefined index: book_from in /var/www/ on line 388

Notice: Undefined index: order_id in /var/www/ on line 390

Notice: Undefined index: order_status in /var/www/ on line 391

Notice: Undefined index: order_status in /var/www/ on line 393

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Notice: Undefined index: order_status in /var/www/ on line 405

Notice: Undefined index: offerprice_commision in /var/www/ on line 366

Notice: Undefined index: book_ages in /var/www/ on line 382

Notice: Undefined index: book_from in /var/www/ on line 388

Notice: Undefined index: order_id in /var/www/ on line 390

Notice: Undefined index: order_status in /var/www/ on line 391

Notice: Undefined index: order_status in /var/www/ on line 393

Notice: Undefined index: order_status in /var/www/ on line 405

Notice: Undefined index: order_status in /var/www/ on line 405

Notice: Undefined variable: where in /var/www/ on line 3015

Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /var/www/ on line 228

Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /var/www/ on line 235

Notice: Undefined offset: 2 in /var/www/ on line 253

Notice: Undefined variable: where in /var/www/ on line 3015

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Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /var/www/ on line 235

Notice: Undefined offset: 2 in /var/www/ on line 253

Notice: Undefined variable: where in /var/www/ on line 3015

Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /var/www/ on line 228

Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /var/www/ on line 235

Notice: Undefined offset: 2 in /var/www/ on line 253

Notice: Undefined variable: where in /var/www/ on line 3015

Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /var/www/ on line 228

Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /var/www/ on line 235

Notice: Undefined offset: 2 in /var/www/ on line 253

Notice: Undefined variable: where in /var/www/ on line 3015

Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /var/www/ on line 228

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Notice: Undefined offset: 2 in /var/www/ on line 253

Notice: Undefined variable: where in /var/www/ on line 3015

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Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /var/www/ on line 235

Notice: Undefined offset: 2 in /var/www/ on line 253

Notice: Undefined variable: where in /var/www/ on line 3015

Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /var/www/ on line 228

Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /var/www/ on line 235

Notice: Undefined offset: 2 in /var/www/ on line 253

Notice: Undefined variable: where in /var/www/ on line 3015

Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /var/www/ on line 228

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Notice: Undefined variable: where in /var/www/ on line 3015

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Notice: Undefined offset: 2 in /var/www/ on line 253

Notice: Undefined index: query in /var/www/ on line 427

Notice: Undefined variable: qs in /var/www/ on line 108

Notice: Undefined index: stars_count in /var/www/ on line 226

Notice: Undefined index: stars_count in /var/www/ on line 226

Notice: Undefined index: stars_count in /var/www/ on line 226

Notice: Undefined index: stars_count in /var/www/ on line 226

Notice: Undefined index: stars_count in /var/www/ on line 226

Notice: Undefined index: stars_count in /var/www/ on line 226

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Notice: Undefined index: stars_count in /var/www/ on line 226

Notice: Undefined index: stars_count in /var/www/ on line 226

Notice: Undefined index: stars_count in /var/www/ on line 226

Notice: Undefined index: HTTP_REFERER in /var/www/ on line 591

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Notice: Undefined index: fb in /var/www/ on line 597

Notice: Undefined index: m_login_attempt in /var/www/ on line 288

Notice: Undefined variable: Ordering in /var/www/ on line 24

Notice: Undefined index: cookiesEnabled in /var/www/ on line 24

Notice: Undefined index: wcnt in /var/www/ on line 27

Notice: Undefined index: google_id in /var/www/ on line 393

Notice: Undefined index: isuser in /var/www/ on line 217

Notice: Undefined index: member in /var/www/ on line 217

Notice: Undefined index: home_url in /var/www/ on line 217

Notice: Undefined index: baseadresslang in /var/www/ on line 217

Notice: Undefined variable: Ordering in /var/www/ on line 24

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Notice: Undefined index: cname in /var/www/ on line 217

Notice: Undefined index: relativeurl in /var/www/ on line 217

Notice: Undefined index: relativeurl in /var/www/ on line 217

Notice: Undefined index: relativeurl in /var/www/ on line 217

Notice: Undefined index: meta_descr in /var/www/ on line 217

Notice: Undefined index: meta_keys in /var/www/ on line 217

Notice: Undefined index: meta_title in /var/www/ on line 217
All Hotels | AllHotels


Forum (Yerevan)

0.0 10

Yerevan Kentron administrative district Paronyan St

  • inpool
  • sauna
  • laundry
  • ac
  • parking
  • smoking
  • wifi

     Located in the city centre of Yerevan, less than a 15-minute walk from most of the major sights and attractions. The classically designed and air-conditioned rooms here are equipped with a flat-screen TV with satellite channels, a minibar, and a private bathroom with a shower. Other hotel facilities include room service, a 24-hour front desk and daily maid services. Ararat Brandy Factory is 1.5 km away, Freedom Square is a 20-minute walk, and St. Gregory the Illuminator Cathedral is 2.5 km from the hotel. Forum is 4 km from Yerevan Train Station, and 13 km from Zvartnots International Airport. This property is also rated for the best value in Yerevan! Guests are getting more for their money when compared to other properties in this city. We speak your language!

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40,000 AMD

Four-room apartment on Yekmalyan st.

0.0 10

Yerevan Kentron adm. district Yekmalyan 1

  • tv
  • wifi
  • gas
  • electricity
  • persistent_water
  • elevator

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53,400 AMD

Four-room apartment on Yekmalyan st.

0.0 10

Yerevan Kentron adm. district Aghayan st.

  • tv
  • wifi
  • gas
  • electricity
  • persistent_water
  • playground

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53,400 AMD

Garni B&B (Garni)

0.0 10

Kotayk Marz Garni 4th str., 1st block, building 22

  • laundry
  • parking
  • wifi

  "Garni" guest house is located in Garni village, Kotayk region. The guest house has 2 double rooms and 2 bathrooms. The rooms are equipped with all modern conveniences. Here is a warm atmosphere and typical Armenian hospitality. Every morning a delicious breakfast is served in the guest house. Free Wi-Fi and parking are available in the guest house. The hosts are caring and friendly people who take an individual approach to all the guests during their stay and are ready to help in any matter. Nearby is the oldest pagan temple of the region.

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16,000 AMD

Gayane Hotel

0.0 10

Lori Haghpat village 19th St. 3rd Lane, 1 Building

  • pool
  • open
  • inpool
  • gym
  • billiard
  • tennis
  • sauna
  • children_playground
  • laundry
  • parking
  • smoking
  • transfer
  • wifi
  • facilities

     The hotel complex "Gayane" is located in the village of Haghpat, at a distance of 10 km from Alaverdi. This hotel, located in the bosom of the magnificent nature of Lori, meets all European standards. It offers standard, premium and deluxe classes of single, double rooms, as well as cottages that are provided with all the necessary amenities. The rooms have a bathroom, TV, mini-bar, air conditioning. From the windows you can admire the view of Sanahin monastery, located on the slope of the mountain. Guests can spend their free time using many services offered by the hotel, through which the rest will be more complete and comprehensive. The hotel has a bar, gym, indoor and outdoor swimming pools, billiards, table tennis, sauna. Free Wi-Fi and parking are provided on site. Due to the professional staff and high-quality service, the rest in the hotel will be full and unforgettable. The hotel is a great place for all those who want to spend their holidays in the bosom of nature, enjoying mountain clean air and ecologically clean food. From the hotel you can walk up to the Haghpat monastery, which is on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

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12,000 AMD

Geghama Beach

0.0 10

Gegharkunik Sevan south-western coastal area

  • children_playground
  • smoking
  • wifi

     Geghama beach is located in Gegharkunik region, on the shore of Lake Sevan. Each cottage has a separate pavilion and barbecue. There is a children's playground and a volleyball court in the area. Distance 63 km from Yerevan and 76 km from Zvartnots International Airport.

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20,000 AMD

Getap Hotel Dilijan

0.0 10

Tavoush Dilijan Tbilisyan Highway

  • pool
  • open
  • billiard
  • tennis
  • tennis_kort
  • children_playground
  • laundry
  • ac
  • parking
  • smoking
  • transfer
  • wifi

   The hotel complex "Getap" is located in the paradise place of rest Dilijan. It offers its guests 5 two-storey cottages with 11 rooms, corresponding to European standards. The hotel has table tennis, Wi-Fi and parking. Hotel Getap is one of the most famous and affordable economy class hotels in Dilijan. It is an ideal place for those who want to stay away from the noise of the city, everyday problems and have a full rest in the bosom of an indescribably beautiful nature, enjoying the clean air. Due to the friendly staff, affordable prices, a combination of services, ample opportunities are created for recreation and entertainment. Every day spent here will be unforgettable and full of warm impressions.

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20,000 AMD

Getap Resort Arzni

0.0 10

Kotayk Arzni

  • pool
  • open
  • inpool
  • gym
  • tennis
  • sauna
  • spa
  • children_playroom
  • children_playground
  • pets
  • laundry
  • ac
  • parking
  • smoking
  • transfer
  • wifi

     "Getap Resort" - is a family recreation area, where you can enjoy hotel rooms with modern furniture, restaurant with Armenian-European cuisines, healing natural mineral water, mineral water pool with natural clay, healing therapy, Russian sauna with special therapeutic procedures , outdoor family pavilions, VIP pavilions, outdoor swimming pools for adults և children, children's playground, trampoline, slide and other games, volleyball court, water bikes, organization of events around the bonfire with tents. Those who wish can go fishing. There is a chapel-sanctuary in the resort area. Organize your ideal family vacation with us.

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31,000 AMD


0.0 10

Tavoush Dilijan Kamo street 106

  • pool
  • open
  • tennis
  • pets
  • smoking
  • wifi

     The hotel is located in Dilijan, Tavush region. The hotel has all the amenities to fully enjoy the rest. The distance from Yerevan is 96 km, and from Zvartnots International Airport 109 km.

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15,000 AMD

Glamping Park

0.0 10

Lori Shahumyan Dilijan highway 1 dead end 11

  • sauna
  • parking
  • smoking
  • wifi

     Glamping Park tents are "all inclusive", where nature, beauty and comfort are intertwined, creating a new unique dimension of rest. Glamping Park offers an innovative, attractive, unique rest outside the standard rooms for recreation in the beautiful nature of Lori, providing customers with all kinds of utilities, in particular, each tent will have internet, comfortable bed, heating system, toilet, bathroom, kitchen, etc. The transparent parts of the tent are panoramic, so tourists can enjoy the beautiful nature.

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40,000 AMD

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